Hybrid Talks #41: "Nature"

 ©Armin Linke

©Armin Linke

Thursday, January 28th 2021, 6 p.m. 
Live-Stream, followed by an invite to join a virtual room for further exchange.

“Nature” will be the subject of Hybrid Talks in the new year.

In the shadow of the global pandemic, this past year many have felt a particular need for nature and natural experiences. The yearning for a safe haven, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city, for a source of inspiration, or simply for a place to be outside the four walls of one’s own home, has never been greater. Though the climate crisis is getting worse and worse, the world seems to assume that in the future “Nature” will continue to exist.

Yet what exactly do we mean when we speak of nature? Does it even still exist or is nature in the age of the Anthropocene only an illusion, a reminder of a past Romantic era? What is the role of humanity in the context of our ecosystem? Where does nature begin and where does it end? We intend to explore these and further questions and have invited experts from the fields of art, chemistry, cultural and media studies, and transformation studies to share their research on this subject.

The speakers are the following:

  • »Renewable raw materials for chemical products«
    Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schomäcker
    TU | Institute of Chemistry

  • »Critical Zones - on the critical situation of our earth. A research seminar with Bruno Latour«
    Dr. Daniel Irrgang
    Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society

  • »New perspectives - animal in the city«
    Lilli Kuschel
    UdK | Insitute of Time-Based Media

  • »Wilderness conjunctions after 1968«
    Prof. Dr. Susanne Hauser
    UdK | Institute for the History and Theory of Design


The Hybrid Talks aim at promoting mutual inspiration and invite networking. Representatives of different disciplines encounter each other and share their perspectives on the topic “Nature” through short 10 minutes presentations. After the talks we invite everybody into a virtual room for further exchange.

The Hybrid Talks are a conversation format initiated by the Hybrid Plattform, a project platform of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin. The platform serves the cross-disciplinary exchange of art, science and technology.