Hybrid Talks 47 - Climate Impact

As we enter the Anthropocene era, we are confronted not only with the practical aspects of sustainable living, but also with the need to understand concepts such as geological timeframes ("deep time"), observational errors, tipping points and triggers, the analysis of complex systems, and the broader question of "How do we want to live in the future?".

By bringing artists and scientists together, we will explore this field through the dichotomous intersections of implicit and explicit knowledge practices of our invited speakers. The intersections between art and science are a ripe field for innovation, and if we are to succeed in the Anthropocene, we must not only support but necessitate these areas of creativity and the (hard) collisions between expert fields and systems of thought.

Contributions from:

  • Sybille Neumeyer 
    UdK Berlin I Artist, Postdisciplinary Research
  • Timothé Beaufils
    The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research I Environmental Engineering, Climate Change
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Sauter
    Humboldt University of Berlin, Geography Department I Climate Dynamics

The Hybrid Talks invite to mutual inspiration and networking. Representatives of different disciplines of the Campus Charlottenburg meet and illuminate the topic "Deep Time" from their perspective in short presentations of 10 minutes each. Afterwards, they will discuss mutual insights, irritations and possible synergies. The exchange across the boundaries of individual disciplines will continue in a relaxed atmosphere afterwards.

Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Time: 6:00 p.m.

Location: Room 2037, TU main building, Straße des 17. Juni, 10623 Berlin

Organizer: Hybrid Plattform

Note: Admission free. No pre-registration required

Contact: Dr. Anne Kurr, anne.kurr@hybrid-plattform.org; Dr. Michael Fowler, michael.fowler@hybrid-plattform.org