What exactly is a real lab? How does service learning work? What are the purposes of internships, citizen science and dual studies? The "Handbook of Transdisciplinary Didactics" explains central concepts of the recent science-theoretical debate in their implications for university teaching and educational perspectives. To our delight, the "Handbuch Transdisziplinäre Didaktik" shows once again that the topic of "art and science" is now making its way into basic standard works and has moved away from its niche existence.
In this way, transdisciplinarity opens up as a comprehensive innovation process in response to the great global challenges of these days - such as climate change, urbanization, or migration. A practical reference work for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to understand the profound changes in higher education in the wake of transformative scholarship. With the participation of 48 renowned experts and 35 scientific reviewers, it explains the fundamentals of higher education, for which science-led collaboration with practitioners is the norm.
Nina Horstmann, coordinator of the Hybrid Platform, was also invited to share her expertise and experience with an article on this topic. Her contribution "Art and Science" is, in contrast to the rest of the handbook, available for download in German and English: In research and teaching, attempts at collaboration between art and science are gaining popularity (also thanks to such institutions as the Hybrid Platform). Increasingly, representatives of artistic disciplines are involved in scientific research projects, and vice versa, insights from science and technology are finding their way into artistic work. However, the ideas of how a profitable didactics of such a cooperative discussion in the field of tension between art and science can look like often remain vague and inconsistent. The article tries to clarify this and offers some practical approaches for a successful implementation of cooperation.
Developed with the support of the Berlin University Alliance, the publication is the first volume of the new publication series "Higher Education and Research" by transcript Verlag.