Hybrid Talks XXXIII "Sound"

Thursday, 13th December 2018, 6 p.m.
Hybrid Lab, TU Berlin, Marchstraße 8, 10587 Berlin

Seldom do we experience complete silence. We are constantly surrounded by sounds, even if we aren’t always conscious of them. When do we directly perceive sounds and how can we influence our perception? In the 33rd Hybrid Talks we will explore these questions through several short presentations. Immersive, vertical, generative and algorithmic compositions, the sound of concert halls, the human voice or the use of industrial noise – we will illuminate diverse facets of this subject. A truly sonorous evening awaits us.

Following speakers will address the topic:

The Hybrid Talks aim at promoting mutual inspiration and invite networking. Representatives of different disciplines encounter each other and share their perspectives on the topic “Sound” through short 10 minutes presentations. After the presentations we will continue our exchange across individual disciplines in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Hybrid Talks are a conversation format initiated by the Hybrid Plattform, a project platform of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin. The platform serves the cross-disciplinary exchange of art, science and technology.


Here you can find the documentation of the Hybrid Talks.