Hybrid Talks XXXV "Transience"

© "Blood, Sweat, and Tears", ab 2016, Mathilde ter Heijne

Thursday, 9th May 2019, 6 p.m.
Hybrid Lab, TU Berlin, Marchstraße 8, 10587 Berlin

The condition of transience affects humans and technology to the same degree. What’s new and innovative today can just a short time later be old and irrelevant. Depending on one’s perspective, transience can relate to a shorter or longer period of time. Narratives and manners of viewing the past can also change with time, are thus also subject to transience. Music is heard differently, historical moments are assessed differently and many things are simply forgotten. We’ll find out how to constructively deal with transience at the 35th Hybrid Talks through the lens of the history of technology, from the perspective of music and contemporary performance art, and from the points of views of other disciplines

Following speakers will address the topic:

  • "How transient is technology?"
    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang König
    TU Berlin | History of technology

  • "Cradle song and death dance. Dieter Schnebels' Jowaegerli (=Tradition IV1)"
    Prof. Dr. Ariane Jeßulat
    UdK Berlin | Music theory

  • "Obsolete. The social de/construction of the depreciated"
    Prof. Dr. Melanie Jaeger-Erben
    TU Berlin | Transdiciplinary sustainability research

  • "#wemakechange#subjective#personal#blindspot#forgotten#invisible#care#para#archive#"
    Prof. Mathilde ter Heijne

    UdK Berlin | Time-related media and performance

  • "Immortal? Objects in the collection of the Natural History Museum"
    Uwe Moldrzyk

    Museum für Naturkunde | Head of Exhibition Development

The Hybrid Talks aim at promoting mutual inspiration and invite networking. Representatives of different disciplines encounter each other and share their perspectives on the topic “Transience” through short 10 minutes presentations. After the presentations we will continue our exchange across individual disciplines in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Hybrid Talks are a conversation format initiated by the Hybrid Plattform, a project platform of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin. The platform serves the cross-disciplinary exchange of art, science and technology.