Hybrid Talks XXIX “Intelligence”

Thursday 25/01/2018, 6 pm
Hybrid Lab, TU Berlin, Marchstraße 8, 10587 Berlin

Intelligence is a concept that implies many things, in each and every branch of science, but is very rarely treated explicitly. This might be due to the concepts’ ambiguity, which is handled very differently in philosophy than in, for example, research on information processing of biological systems. Is intelligence intrinsic to personal identity or can it be experienced from the outside? Is it expressed in creative processes or through dealing with surroundings strategically? Once again, many questions surround this Hybrid Talks topic, and our speakers from the various disciplines will be giving their best answers.

Following speakers will address the topic (lectures in German language):

The Hybrid Talks aim at promoting mutual inspiration and invite networking. Representatives of different disciplines encounter each other and share their perspectives on the topic “Intelligence” through short 10 minute presentations. After the presentations we will continue our exchange across individual disciplines in a relaxed atmosphere.

The Hybrid Talks are a conversation format initiated by the Hybrid Plattform, an transdisciplinary project platform by Berlin University oft he Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin in the heart of the Campus Charlottenburg, Berlin.


Here you can find the documentation of the Hybrid Talks.