Hybrid Talks IX “Usability”

Image of researcher

[] © Sebastian Pfütze

July 13, 2013, 3 p.m.
during the Opend Days of Berlin University of the Arts,
Hardenbergstrasse 33, room 102

Usability – that is the feature that characterizes a product, system, or service to work satisfactorily and effectively. And more: User optimization determines your preferences for products and software. Thinking in user-friendly dimensions is even more important when one begins engineering devices, tools and software.

At the ninth Hybrid Talks, experts from different disciplines will present their individual approaches concerning usability. Some of them imply user experiences in order to develop new usability criteria; others examine how companies can implement usability qualities in the long term. The short presentations offer a wide perspective on this forward-looking topic.


  • Prof. Manfred Thüring (TU Berlin, Chair of Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics):
    “Usability-Probleme erkennen und verstehen” (Identifying usability problems)

  • Prof. Burkhard Schmitz und Ariane Jäger (UdK Berlin, Design of Interactive Systems):
    “Unsichtbares Design” (Invisible design)

  • Matthias Becker (bao - Büro für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie GmbH):
    “Usability bei mobiler Arbeit” (Usability in mobile work spaces)

  • Dr. Sebastian Glende (Youse GmbH):
    “Usability und Akzeptanz von Servicerobotik” (Usability and acceptance of service-robotics)

  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Möller (TU Berlin, Telekom Innovation Labs, Quality and Usability Lab):
    “Vom Usability Engineering zum Predictive Quality Engineering” (From usability engineering to predictive quality engineering)

  • Prof. Katherine Isbister (New York University, Game Innovation Lab):
    “Play and Usability”

The Hybrid Talks provide an opportunity for mutual exchange and inspiration. Short presentations (of ten to twelve minutes) by multiple speakers allow a multifaceted view on one subject and an opportunity for conversation.

Exceptionally, the ninth Hybrid Talks will take place on a Saturday afternoon, on the occasion of the "Rundgang – Open Days" of Berlin University of the Arts. There will also be the opportunity to take a look at the open studios before and after the Hybrid Talks. Students of every department will provide exciting insights into architecture, media and design, fine arts, music and performing arts.