BOL x Hybrid Plattform Symposium II

Thursday, January 2021, 09 - 17 hrs.

Keynote panels followed by Q&As and hands on sessions as well as an audiovisual and algorithmic performance.  Mainly in English. Venues are the foyer of Einsteinufer 43, as well as the BOL

Registration is requested:


  • 09:00 h: Welcoming 
  • 09:15 h: Space and Sustainability | Keynotes and Q&A
  • 10:50 h: Sound and Movement | Keynotes and Q&A 
  • 11:45 h: Education and Empowerment | Keynotes and Q&A
  • 13:30 h: Hands on Session | Projects by BOL, HCBC and BIFOLD
  • 16:00 h: Performance »robotic worship«

More information about the projects can be found on the Berlin Open Lab website. 

After a very successful but digital first symposium one and a half years ago, the second joint symposium of the Berlin Open Lab and the Hybrid Platform is now taking place. In the morning, researchers from the Charlottenburg Campus will present their findings, followed by Q&As giving the opportunity to deepen topics and ask questions. After the lunch break, tours of the BOL using prototypes provide further immersion into the research. All breaks provide time for informal exchange.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Space and Sustainability Sound and Movement | Keynote and Q&A | moderated by Prof. Dr. Michelle Christensen (ECDF):

The symposium will kick off with a wide range of projects that fall somewhere between Space and Sustainability.

The keynote panel will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Michelle Christensen, who has been a professor at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) and Technische Universität Berlin since August 2019 and also holds a visiting professorship in "Open Science / Critical Culture".


Sound and Movement | Keynote and Q&A | moderated by Prof. Kirsten Reese (UdK):

How does sound relate to moving textiles, movement to sound, and how can noise be reduced in moving cities?

The second panel of the symposium will address these and other questions. The panel in tension between sound and movement will be moderated by Prof. Kirsten Reese. Among other things, she has been a lecturer for composition and electronic sound design at the Berlin University of the Arts since 2005.


Education and Empowerment | Keynote und Q&A | moderated by Prof. Kirsten Reese (UdK):

The tension between education and empowerment will be explored in the third panel of the symposium. This panel will be moderated by Prof. Kirsten Reese. Among other things, she has been a lecturer for composition and electronic sound design at the Berlin University of the Arts since 2005.


Hands on Sessions:

The Hands on Sessions I and II offer the possibility to participate in guided tours and thus to dive deeper into the presented projects. Specific questions to the project participants can be asked directly here.


Performance | robotic worship:

The crowning finale of the symposium will be the performance "Robotic Worship". A robotic arm provides the focal point of this audiovisual, algorithmic performance in the fog.