Hybrid Symposium “Prototyping”

Image Roundup Hybrid Exhibition Prototyping

Friday, November 4, 2011, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Berlin University of the Arts
Hardenbergstr. 33, Room 102

In the context of one of the Hybrid Platform's research projects, "Rethinking Prototyping – New Hybrid Concepts and Alternative Models of the Prototype", a symposium will be taking place on November 4th, giving experts outside the hybrid circle a chance to speak on the subject. The focus of this research is whether, in the age of rapid manufacturing, the prototype may possibly become obsolete: are we arriving at a phase of post-prototyping, in which concepts will replace the prototype? Five experts will give keynote talks about the idea of the prototype in the context of their work. A show of prototypes is planned for the afternoon, where scientists and students of the Campus Charlottenburg will present their own prototypes. To conclude, the results will be summed up and discussed, and conceivable activities for the future will be sketched out.


  • Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Verena Hafner, Cognitive Robotics, Humboldt-University Berlin
  • Laurent Chevalley, Vehicle Design Bugatti
  • Dr. Rahul Swaminathan, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories Berlin
  • Christian Derix und Asmund Gamlesaeter, Computational Design Research, Aedas