Hybrid Talks XXVII “Generative Aesthetics“

»computer and automation«, August 1963

Thursday 09/11/2017, 6 pm
Hybrid Lab, TU Berlin, Marchstraße 8, 10587 Berlin

Generative aesthetics is often used as a synonym for digitally generated art. The 27th Hybrid Talks will however show that this term is used to describe concepts from widely varying disciplines. We will look at it from the perspective of acoustics, philosophy, art history and computer science. We’ll hear about examples of algorithmically generated literature and sounds, artificial internet browsers and the digital backbone of these developments. Will the boundaries between an act of creation by a computer and that of humans become apparent? And is such a differentiation of any value in the first place?

Following speakers will address the topic (lectures in German language):

  • “Digital Avantgarde”
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian von Herrmann

    TU Berlin | Literary Studies

  • “Unstable Conditions - Relations of Matter, Space and Body”
    Prof. Gabi Schillig

    Hochschule Düsseldorf | Peter Behrens School of Arts | Design, Kommunikationsdesign

  • “Seeing and understanding: Computing from an image to an object”
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf Hellwich

    TU Berlin | Department of Computer Vision & Remote Sensing, Institute of Computer Engineering and Microelectronics

  • “Navigating with style”
    Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner

    HU Berlin | Institute of Art History and Image History

  • “John Cage’s conceptual music of the 1950ies as an example of generative composition”
    Prof. Volker Straebel

    UdK Berlin | Master Program Sound Studies

The Hybrid Talks aim at promoting mutual inspiration and invite networking. Representatives of different disciplines encounter each other and share their perspectives on the topic “rhythm“ through short 10 minute presentations. After the presentations we will continue our exchange across individual disciplines in a relaxed atmosphere.


Here you can find the documentation of the Hybrid Talks.